Let me show you this guy. He is an artist whose last 20 works or so have gone HAYWIRE. He’s started to get that pallet ripping, spinning, shooting paint everywhere! And you’re going to love it. His name is Mark Chadwick and he loves to do the spin art. I know of only one other artist* who does spin art anywhere near this wild, and he’s got a degree in madness. These are pretty much inspired, pretty much lovely, pretty much awesome. Chadwick had a set of fabulousness on his hands right about now, and it’s time for you to take a peek.

Image result for mark chadwick art
Each of the paintings of portions of paintings you see below are for sale (at the time of this posting) on Chadwick’s official page. He’s got a lot sold out too, so watch out for that one. Then if you really love it, check out his other methods as well. He’s into machines by the look of it.

Now look at this set of masterworks. Look at the paint. It hits paint, paint on paint, but then sometimes it mixes, sometimes it just pushes. And it always looks hot. So very hot.

Image result for mark chadwick art

And you know what?

They’re all pretty inexpensive to buy. And I know you need some stuff up on your wall, right? Put this in any house, any house at all for a bit of spice for the life.

This post is part of the World Famous Design Junkies color category.
